I would have to relate the argument from design to evolution. This decision is based on evolutionist’s theories regarding the origin of certain species (Morris, n.d.). Evolutionist’s claims persist in spite of the different species and their developments; however, there is no evidential answer to the argument (Morris, n.d.). Similar to Aquinas’ argument, the argument does not show the existence
of God to be very probable.
Although it is reasonable to believe that, species were designed by an intelligent creator, there is not a proof of the existence of Go (The Design Argument, 2009). Therefore, I believe the fine-tuning argument does support the argument that the fine-tuning of the universe supports the theory that God exists, versus God’s non-existence (The Design Argument, 2009). Overall, this was a very challenging discussion topic and I believe your approach was well articulated (The Design Argument, 2009).
Morris, J. D., Ph.D. (n.d.). What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? Retrieved October 06, 2017, from http://www.icr.org/article/3
The Design Argument [PDF]. (2009, January 29). Retrieved from https://www3.nd.edu/~jspeaks/courses/2008-9/10100-spring/_LECTURES/6%20-%20design%20argument.pdf