Objective * Increase the awareness of blindness-cures and need for early treatment. * Helping other hospitals to increase their level of productivity. * Increase the %age of IOL surgeries. * Increase the productivity of doctors. * Increase learning of doctors. * Large volumes were necessary for economic viability. * To provide affordable treatment to all. * Increase the geographical spread. * Increase the functional diversity. * Recruitment of suitable talent.
Strengths * Strong Value System * Able guidance of Dr. V
Opportunities * Large number of people
P –
E – Significant large number of cases of cataract in India and growing.
S – Large % of population is poor. Unable to afford eye treatment.
T – No as such technology development. MNC and corporate houses even if engaged tried to protect with patents.
L –
E – At such a high cost, giving free or subsidized treatment is not possible.
* Went organically. Developed in-house capabilities. * No government aid. * No donations.
These measures helped in maintaining the flexibility and helped retaining the value system. They invested in R&D through LAICO.
Economic Logic * Number of surgeries done per doctors. * Surplus in financials. * Number of Beds. * Cost of treatment. * Number of eye-camps. * Number of complication rates.
Differentiators * Systems orientation to enhance the productivity of doctors. * Well-trained paramedical staff. At eye-camps, managing huge crowd requires great synchronization. Highly co-ordinated event by paramedical staff and doctors resulted in large volumes. * Software enables patients to choose doctors, dates and incorporate