Counting tree rings, based on the fact that trees grow by adding a ring to the truck each year.
Wood structures found (homes), pillar, boat (maritime features), ornaments, inscriptions in wood, furniture
Pollen Analysis
Useful in bogs and marshes, where pollen grains are taken from a layer of the bog then examined by microscopes
Wood products, plants/flowers, animals, crops (types of food), human remains
When the archaeologists records to occupational sequence of a site, by giving a relative date to each layer of the site and the objects deposited within it
Allows for comparisons to other areas, does not decay, make connections with advancements, facilitates relative dating
Groups of artefacts e.g. pottery, tools, weapons can be arranged from the earliest to latest according to style, materials used, techniques used e.g. methods of metal work on swords or types of clay or pigmentation used
Examining development over time
Radio Carbon Dating
Radiocarbon can date organic material between 50, 000 and 400 years old
All living things absorb carbon
At death the Carbon- 14 it has absorbed in its life is “frozen”
Human remains, dinosaurs, bones, plant material that has not decomposed, fossils, diseases within organic materials
This begins to decay at a known and constant date
Scientists can measure the radioactive emissions from a sample of the organism to calculate when it died.
Useful from dating parchment, hair, birds egg, bone, leather, lake muds, sediment, soil, resins, peat, etc
AMS Radio carbon dating-since the 1970s-can date back 70,000 years, need smaller samples, more accurate
Thermo luminescence (TL)
Another form of radio carbon dating but can date pottery and other inorganic material over 50,000 years old
Used to date artefacts from sites where radio-carbon fating cannot be done
Heating sample of an object to 500C causes flash of light (luminescence) which scientist