1.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses on the background of the study which is the factors of stress among teachers. Chapter one consists of background of study, problem statement, research question and research objectives. The scope of study, significance of study and definition of key terms and concepts also focused in this chapter one.
1.1 Background of the Study
Stress is a perception phenomenon which exists from a comparison between the command given and ability of a person to execute he task successfully (Cox &Brockley, 1984). This is a universal problem almost every individuals encounters with. Nowadays, teachers have heavier responsibilities than before and studies show that teaching is one of the most stressful jobs in comparison to other occupations (Adams 2001). Anyone who has worked in a helping profession such as teaching will appreciate how stressful such professions can be. The widespread concern regarding teacher stress has led many researchers to focus on this area on how to cope with the stress and to reduce its negative consequences. Stress causes teachers to show negative attitudes and behaviors in their workplace and can lead them to experience fatigue, exhaustion which can be mental and physical. Therefore, in this study we tend to investigate work-related stress among secondary school teachers in Sungai Petani, Kedah. By studying current teachers working in a secondary school environment, this research study hopes to determinethe factor of stress that effect teachers and explore the strategies to cope with these stressors.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The stressfulness of teaching as an occupation is widely recognized. According to Kyriacou (1987) teachers experience more work stress than most other occupational groups. In Utusan Melayu (2003) also had stated that teaching task have become more difficult as teachers have to face the increasing behavioral problems and dissatisfaction among students.
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