Body #1: Penelope is one archetype found in the odyssey. Penelope deceives all her unwanted suitors. She spoke to them ¨Young men, my suitors now that the great Odysseus has perished, wait, though you are eager to marry me, until I finish this web, so that my weaving will not be useless and wasted.¨ Penelope would be weaving during the day and unraveling at night. This was to keep her from having to get married to one of her suitors. 20 years later they then realized the deception. After, being caught she was forced to choose one of them to marry. Penelope archetype is known as the tricksters. She was a very clever women and this help her and Odysseus because she stalled as long …show more content…
Poseidon went out of his to make sure that Odysseus didn’t make his way back home to Ithaca. This all started because Odysseus poked the cyclops eye out and there at that moment the cyclops calls on to the god of sea, Poseidon.”O hear me, lord, blue girdler of the islands, if i am thine indeed, and thou art father: grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, never see his home[...].(966). None of the gods or goddess had a problem or seen anything wrong with it until the goddess of war and wisdom,Athena, brought it up. She didn’t like seeing him suffer or his family. How did what Poseidon did to Odysseus help him on his journey? This very well help Odysseus to think outside the box. For instance when he almost drowned because of the waves sent by Poseidon he managed to get around