Emily Chahede
Archetypes of Edward Scissor Hands In the words of Carl Jung, a well-known psychologist, an archetype is “An innate tendency which molds and transforms the individual consciousness. A fact defined more through a drive than through specific inherited contents, images etc.; a matrix which influences the human behavior as well as his ideas and concepts on the ethical, moral religious and cultural levels”(Jung). This research paper provides different archetypes that are present in Edward Scissorhands. The 1990 film of Edward Scissor Hands portrays an American romantic fantasy film based on the blossoming of a young creation. The story takes place in a cookie cutter suburban society where Pegg, an Avon representative lingers into a dark and mysterious castle where she stumbles upon the thrilling creation we know as Edward. The humble orphan who we grow to love is the product of an Inventors (creator) search for companionship, but an untimely death leaves him with scissorhands and the inability to fit into society. As the story progresses we notice how Edward and Peggs relationship becomes more meaningful when she takes the role of being the( mentor). Pegg takes Edward under her wing and in an unselfish manner provides him with the crucial necessities that he had been deprived of. After moving in with Pegg and her family, Edward becomes the source of the latest gossip in the community; everyone is interested in meeting the mysterious guest Pegg has brought into her home. A barbecue is held in Peggs backyard attempting to welcome him to their neighborhood. Oos and ahhs arise as everyone catches a glimpse of the magical pair of scissorhands he possesses, but show no sign of rejection towards the innocent lad. As people in the community realize Edwards’s ability to create topiary gardens, cut dogs and human hair he becomes the new sensation who the ladies just can’t get enough of. Joyce (seductress) one of
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