For a while as a society we’ve known that our dependency on fossil fuels would eventually have to come to an end. Not only in America but in other countries tend to be the main source of energy. Because these things are made from organic matter they will run out. Hence fossil fuels are considered a nonrenewable resource. Exploring some other alternatives makes sense. Solar energy incorporated into buildings seems like a reliable source that will be around for the long run. A buildings exposure to the sun and the heat it produces creates electrons that are then captured into the system and turned into electricity. Some people will argue solar energy isn’t a hundred percent efficient because that on days when the sun isn’t exactly shining or its dark and gloomy outside you will have low voltages and the cost of solar panels and materials to create a solar energy system can be high. The positives definitely outweigh the negatives in the end. This innovative technology can be used for a variety of different things as small as fueling a cell phone to a system that is large enough to power a modern day building. The main resource of solar energy is the heat that comes from the sun which is a source that is provided in abundance. This energy sources is also a realistic alternate source of energy that could compete with fossil fuels. Furthermore, the cost of installing a solar system in a building has decreased from previous years. Where a system would have cost in the neighborhood of $12 per watt of energy produced in 1998, it now costs a third of that price in 2013. That makes the system far more available and more affordable for the average homeowner. Along with tax credits from government incentive programs the savings overtime would more than cover the money it took to incorporate solar energy into a home or any type of building.
Solar energy being architecturally incorporated into our homes and offices is no longer an