In the video “Are All Carbohydrates Equally Bad?” Dr. Jason Fung gives us a very good description of how different carbohydrates impact our body. Dr. Fung concluded that fructose, a sugar that found in fruits and honey, is much worse for us than glucose that found in bread, rice, and potatoes (Brefere & Drummond, 2017, p. 68). Even though they are both single sugars, they have different effects on our body. The same as people questioned for many years whether the calories are the same in cookies as in salads, right not we trying to understand the difference in carbohydrates. Since modern diet of American consists of lots of fructose, question rises what is the worst for us when it comes choosing between glucose and fructose.
One of the hypothesis that was discusses in this video was the carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis. It states that carbohydrates raise insulin which causes a weight gain. It makes sense because people gain weight when they take insulin. However, this hypothesis does not explain why fructose is bad for us. Since fructose does not raise the blood glucose level and it does not …show more content…
The answer is how our bodies metabolized these sugars. When we eat glucose like bread and rice, our whole body works on burning these calories. On the other hand, when we eat the same amount of fructose, sweet sugars in fruits, candy, and processed foods, only 5 pound of liver or less, metabolized those calories. Since our body has enough glucose from other foods, liver turns fructose to fat and fatty liver. Considering that glucose metabolized by the whole body while fructose only by the liver, Dr. Fung concluded that fructose is roughly 2000 times more fattening then equal amount of glucose. Whether we intake fructose from fruits or processed food, Dr. Fung recommends minimizing our doze to 25g of fructose a day, and exclude fruit juices and sodas from our