Kanwal Ann (11372)
Ali Faisal (11737)
Amar Lal (11779)
Aukash Kumar (11942)
Ahmed Raza (11711)
Danish Feroz Khan (6849)
A thesis submitted to
Iqra University Research Centre (IURC) at Iqra University,
Main Campus, Karachi.
Encouragement and support from many people have helped us in the completion of this thesis report. First and foremost, our greatest thanks to Dr.Imitiaz Subhani for his assistance and valuable guidance throughout the research. His intellectual supervision made this academic research more interesting.
We would like to thank the Iqra University Research Centre (IURC) for the assistance. Our deepest gratitude is to Mr. Furqan, Research Assistant at IURC, for his assistance at times when we had hit the bottleneck.
We would like to express our appreciation to our families for their encouragement and support. Co-operation and support throughout this period by all members of the group is appreciated by each of us.
The study was conducted to find out the relationship between two different variables namely average wages and qualification of workforce. Technological changes in environment also forces people to educate, in order to get better wages. Research shows an educated person can easily produce a ‘Fit’ when he or she encounter with dynamic environment. This ability to adjust, give them an edge over uneducated person. The data of past seventeen years of qualification and averages wages was taken from Pakistan Institutes of Development Economics. The data of average wages was sub divided into averages real and nominal wages. In order to find out the relation among variables a test of Johansen Co-integration was run using Eviews software. Result showed that there is high co-integration between the studied variables and average graduated person receives more job opportunities than of