The bullies in this case are the perpetrators, their job is to make the victim feel bad about themselves, making the victim feel worthless. The other classmates who utterly watch the kid get bullied don’t help at all. Factors such as fear of the bully going after you later can make the bystanders feel as if they don’t have a voice. It is important to be brave in cases like these, simply because bystanders are the victim’s only chance of survival. According to Hannah Arendt on her book The Banality of Evil, she mentions a man called Adolf Eichmann, who followed Hitler’s orders. Eichmann was a lot like a bystander, refusing to contradict Hitler. Hannah Arendt does consider him partially responsible for what happened to the Jews, and Eichmann was even sentenced to death. On the book Night, Elie Wiesel solidly affirms that “those who kept silent yesterday will remain silent tomorrow” this quote can be applied in two ways, both blaming bystanders. One way to interpret this quote is by having it viewed as the bystanders who were once quiet today, won’t have a chance to speak up tomorrow. We can also view this quote in the shape that if a bystander doesn’t speak up today, he will definetly not speak up tomorrow, possibly because in terms will get harder to fight off.
In conclusion, if a bystander doesn’t make any efforts to help the victims, he will take part on the perpetrator’s