If you ask any company today if they care about their customers, they all say, “Yes.” If you dig a little further and continue asking questions such as, “Are you a customer-centric company?” they would probably say yes as well. After all, the concept of customer centricity has been around for more than 50 years.
In 2009, a study conducted by the CMO council showed that approximately half of all companies state that they're extremely customer-centric. But, when the customers of those companies were asked the same question, only a tenth of them agreed with the companies [1] . Today, things are not much different than 7 years ago in that regards. So why such GAP exists?
I'm convinced that communication service …show more content…
If CSP think in terms of products/services, they are loosing the whole picture, perhaps the way the products/services work satisfy the basic needs however if they scratch the surface disruptive ideas may pop up, and now they will be talking about offering better fitted solutions.
If this is not new and it's been around for a while, why CSP are starting to paying attention to this now? Because internet and OTT on-net players (Facebook, WhatsApp, Netflix, Amazon, etc) have empower the customer so much, that operators are becoming a mere commodity and all the new value is being taken by others. Third-party OTT players are surely listening to their customers (in the more general sense) and adapt their offerings.
So if the voice of the customers is important, and surveys after calls are not enough what then? If CSPs are going to be customer centric, they should at least start measuring customer satisfaction through the Net Promoter Score (NPS). For those who haven't read about the Net Promoter Score it is a customer loyalty metric developed by (and a registered trademark of) Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company, and Satmetrix. It is calculated based on responses to a single question: How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague? The scoring for this answer is most often based on a 0 to 10 scale [3]. And to be clear employees are customer as well, so the NPS should also be applied to all …show more content…
of course not. we are just at the tip of the iceberg. What about the next step. Knowing what the customer likes and how they perceive the service without asking them!!! That is a really breakthrough in customer centricity.
CSPs need to redefine themselves to survive. CSP deliver experiences. we like it or note, our lives today are centered on digital content. CSP are the foundation for that to happen, so every experience good or bad around what we do in the digital world is deliver on top of the CSP services.
Let's say we are watching a movie in streaming, and suddenly the movie freezes, surely we will curse the streaming source, but also the ISP. If the problem was really 100% a streaming source issue, that experience ruins a little (or much more) the ISP image. And probably as the CSP is just looking just network stats, he would not know what is going