Gangs have been around since the 1900s. They haven't decreased or increased they just steadily hold the title of the "bane of our existence." Street gangs are the primary distributors of illegal drugs.Street gang members convert powdered cocaine into crack cocaine and produce large amounts of marijuana. Located throughout the country, street gangs vary in size, composition, and structure. Large, nationally affiliated street gangs pose the greatest threat because they smuggle, produce,transport, and distribute large quantities of illicit drugs throughout the country and are extremely violent. Local street gangs in rural, suburban, and urban areas pose a low but growing threat. Local street gangs transport and distribute drugs within very specific areas. These gangs often imitate the larger, more powerful national gangs in order to gain respect from …show more content…
This could cut out the drug lords control over the farmers, and we could have FAIRTRADE drug growers, importing legally, so no mules or drug boats, and distribute legally, no more dealers (no more car chases with people doing anything in an attempt to avoid arrest. It could be taxed and monitored (though strictly through shops acting like bars with licenses) needing something like a medical marijuana card. Reduced costs to the user (especially for the really addictive drugs) as the dealers aren't taking their own cuts at each level, and the addicted users could then afford the drugs so the crimes would reduce (in theory of course). Cleaner drugs which do less harm to the body with the additional substances the drugs may have been cut with. The social argument is that people would then take drugs like crazy and cause social problems. Obviously a user will still destroy life and family if they are a heavy/frequent user, but that's the same with drinking now, Less people in prison/court for simple possession, though you could say more will be in hospital if more are using, but in turn their would be less due to cleanliness and ease of drug acquirement. Money, less on war on crime, less on crime, tax revenue could help fund the health system. Drug related crimes are high, if you remove some of these crimes then the police would be freed up for other