Humans use morals and ethics to determine “right” from “wrong” on an individual as well as a cultural basis. An individual belief of right and wrong is derived from life long experiences; and influenced by culture, religion, parents, schools, relationships, etc. Cultural beliefs of right and wrong are a consensus of those beliefs in a nation or region, which can, and do vary widely between different cultures. These concepts also vary over time periods, influenced by new technologies, new concepts, and new laws, as well as intercultural influences. People continue to debate the question of right and wrong, and disagreements still persist. It is the study of ethics and ethical theories that helps to understand our differences and gives some insight as to how to overcome those differences. However, as stated in Ethics & social Responsibility, by Kurt Mosser, “The study of ethics can be frustrating at times, largely because the problems ethics deals with rarely lead to a result with which everyone is satisfied”. This statement alone would seem to indicate that universal human rights could never be agreed upon (Mosser, 2010).
References: Goodman, L. E. (2010). Some Moral Minima. Good Society Journal, 19(1), 87-94. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Mosser, K. (2010). Introduction to ethics and social responsibility. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from Rayner, M. (n.d.). HISTORY OF UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS - UP TO WW2. Retrieved from Walton, J. (2011, July 3). HIV positive man arrested for allegedly raping son [Newsgroup message]. Retrieved from WCOP News: h-i-v-positive-man-arrested-for-allegedly-raping-sonWCPO Walton, J. (2011, July 4). Silverton Police receive dozens of calls after story of HIV rape of baby goes viral [Newsgroup message]. Retrieved from WCPO NEWS: region_central_cincinnati/downtown/ silverton-police-receive-dozens-of-calls-after-story-of-hiv-rape-of-baby-goes-viral