As scientist have been researching they have found out something very interesting about humans coming here which can be seen in the Charles Darwin theory. The Charles Darwin Theory said that biological evolution can occur as an outcome of natural selection. Over time as we reproduce and have children our population grows and we make more offsprings than we can handle. The EMBO reports says, “The theory of evolution has since been applied to the understanding of human variation in several ways. The most infamous uses of evolutionary theory, which were most common until the first half of the last century, used it to justify social prejudice and racism” (Stock, 2008). As this quote further explains Darwin has said his own theory of evolution can be used to justify social issues going on in the world, and it can also lead to issues in our bodies. Throughout the many tests that have been done on our bodies to find out how we got here and evolved have been closely shown that YES as humans we are closely related to the Apes. Many years ago our ancestors have once lived in the Eastern parts of Africa. The EMBO article says, “As a result humans display greater genetic unity than most other species, which has lead many to assume that human evolution ended with the origin of modern humans” (Stock, 2008). We should believe that before we all came to live here on this earth we once had …show more content…
The other half of our population thinks that no our human traits are still not evolving. In real life, a man by the name of Sir David thought human traits are not evolving anymore. As quoted from Sir David, “Because if natural selection, as proposed by Darwin, is the main mechanism of evolution – there may be other things, but it does look as though that’s the case – then we’ve stopped natural selection” (Furness, 2013). This man believed that our natural selection stopped along time ago when around 95% of our children were born. He also thought that we were the only people to stop our natural selection. Some people think that natural selection is not important because our process of evolution now seems to be cultural. There are many reasons why people are sure that human traits or still evolving or