Indians as a mascot is not racism. The Indian culture should be honored to be looked at as strong, fierce people. It was never a problem when the teams first decided to make it their mascot, so why is it now? The mascots represent who the Indians were years ago when they hunted and killed, not exactly how they are today.
A mascot is suppose to be looked at as intimidating. Teams don't choose “the butterflies” for their mascot. They choose something that is striking and strong. When a team has “the Indians” as a mascot, that is a compliment to their culture. Instead of taking it as an insult, they should feel honored.
Teams have had their mascot for many years, so why wasn't it an issue when it was first chosen? When teams chose their mascot, Indians who were offended should have stood up and said something. Many teams mascot has been an Indian for years. Why should they change it now? If you changed a mascot, the team would need to change many other things. There are many uniforms and t-shirts that have their team name on it along with their school logo. Teams would have to get all new gear and it wouldn't be cheap.
If teams used “Indians” or “Warriors” for their team name, it would be better than “Red Skins” or “Savages”. Teams could use less racist names. Red Skins is offensive to them, but there is no problem with Indians.
The mascots represent Indians how they were years ago. Most of the Indians today are just like us. The mascots are of the original Indians, not who they are today. The represent their ancestors who were warriors.
Indian Mascots are not racist. The teams have had their name for many years; we don't need to change it now. If anything, change some names to be more appropriate. Using an Indian as a mascot is a complement to the Indian culture. It shows them to be strong and fierce.