Yes they do because they put on tv and on magazines false information to make the story sound more interesting that way more people will watch it. Some times they want actually come out and tell you a lie they just say things to lead you to think about it and make it up in your head and think what they want you to think and act on it and most of the times the disaster that they are talking about it isn’t anywhere near as extreme as what they put it out to be it is helped and fixed in a good ordally fationed way. According to the collective behavior article, panic and coverjents behavior is supposively
Yes they do because they put on tv and on magazines false information to make the story sound more interesting that way more people will watch it. Some times they want actually come out and tell you a lie they just say things to lead you to think about it and make it up in your head and think what they want you to think and act on it and most of the times the disaster that they are talking about it isn’t anywhere near as extreme as what they put it out to be it is helped and fixed in a good ordally fationed way. According to the collective behavior article, panic and coverjents behavior is supposively