Children use networking sites, such as facebook, they will state their name, their age, address etc, they will also post photos of themselves onto the wall. They should go onto the privacy settings and set to friends only...this means that no frien that is on the list can see their profile.This is because a paedophile will pose as a teenager with similar interests and hobbies to gain friendship. They will try to gain your trust and want to meet you in person.They could also lie in wait for you if you have stated that you will be meeting friends in a certain park at a certain time.Paedophiles, groom children.…
Children and young people can be in danger when they use technology such as internet which can present a threat to their safety. The internet is a powerful source of technology which is sometimes dangerous for children and young people to use because there are many different kinds of people on networking sites that don’t show their identity.…
One of the main risks of using the internet is that children may be exposed to inappropriate things such as pornography or other illegal or age inappropriate information that encourages activities that are dangerous. There is also the risk of physical danger. This can arise when people use the internet to make contact with children and young people with the intention of developing a relationship which they can progress to sexual activity. This is known as ‘grooming’. Paedophiles will often do this by posing as a young person with similar interests as the intended victim.…
Although the internet can be a valuable tool both educationally and socially, there are some serious risks associated with using the internet and other technologies. As in the real world, children and young people are vulnerable and may knowingly or unknowingly expose themselves to danger when using the internet, mobile phones and other technologies.…
Internet user’s ranges from children of 10 through 17 years of are easy targets for sexual predators. They are masters at convincing teenagers to meet up with them by using internet chat rooms or other social networks like Facebook or My Space. They do this by pretending to be someone who is looking for a friend. Through the creation of a counterfeit profile that displays good-looking pictures of a young boy or girl plus a list of hobbies and interests which was meant by the pedophile to entice a young boy or girl. They are known to do this to persuade the gullible children to interact in person so they can commit deviant sexual acts to them, thereafter in person. When they see each other in person often it will be an adult who kidnaps, rape, and often kill the child after they have done with them. It is not uncommon to find a body that was thrown in a place where they were not being able to discover. Identify theft that is another matter that must be taken seriously, because it has led to billions of dollars and the ruin of many innocent…
Although the internet can be a valuable tool both educationally and socially, there are some serious risks associated with using the internet and other technologies. As in the real world, children and young people are vulnerable and may knowingly or unknowingly expose themselves to danger when using the internet, mobile phones and other technologies.…
The internet has made is easy for people to access an unlimited amount of information at anytime. Advances in information technology have resulted in new ethical issues that needed to be addressed. Children need to be protected from being taken advantage of in this new digital age. Parents also want to ensure that their children aren’t subjected to material that is considered inappropriate. The federal government has passed laws to prevent the abuse of children on the internet.…
Most children and young people use the Internet positively. However, sometimes they behave in ways that may place them at risk. Some risks do not necessarily arise from the technology itself but result from offline behaviors that are extended into the online world, and vice versa.…
There are many examples of unsafe environments on the Internet and the Web that might kids may face. A young boy unintentionally chatted with a pedophile, or a girl was cyberbullied to such an extent that she committed suicide, or the daughter of the author’s friend who chatted on line with her drug dealer and slept with him. Once a parent realizes that their kid is having an inappropriate conversation or is involved in a dangerous activity then they can have a talk with their child about the dangers they are facing and to come up with a solution.…
“According to a recent study, rapist and child molesters are arrested once for every 30 offenses they commit” (Leo, 2). Scary thought for the human race, especially for parents with children under 18. How is a sexual predator defined? Once this has been identified then the need to examine why internet relationships are developed. What are the different characteristics of offenders and victims? Lastly, how do we protect our children from sexual predators and who has jurisdiction over the offenders? What steps, if any, should the government take to protect children from sexual predators on the internet?…
Protecting Children From Being Solicited By Convicted Sex Offenders On The Internet: The Need For A Federal Mandate…
I agree with Coben about having parents spying on their teens’ because we as teens’ don't quite know about the dangerous in the internet. Parents just want their teens to be at any risk because in the article from “ Undercover Parent” says that meeting someone you don’t know or going into unknown websites can harm you because you can't be sure to trust it. Another reason for example, when it almost happened to me, I was almost in danger of certain things that could have happened to me for that reason is why my parents have all of my electronics on supervision. However, at the same time I disagree there are two reasons why I disagree. First ,we as teenagers that…
Smith, M. S. (2001). Internet - Protecting Children from Unsuitable Material and Sexual Predators: Overview and Pending Legislation: RS20036. Congressional Research Service: Report, 1.…
Teenagers who have grown up online know how to avoid predators. They are mostly using the internet to socialize with people from their school and when a random screen name messages them, asking them where they live they know it is not right and will not respond. However the kids today are faced with much deeper problems such as growing up to fast and self esteem issues. Take Autumn Edows for example. This was a girl who did not fit in in real life and felt like an outcast. However at age 14 she posted provocative pictures of herself on the internet and created a mass cult fallowing which boosted herself esteem dramatically. She admits that she became addicted to the internet just as so many teens admit today, and when her parents made her delete her life online she was devastated.…
Moreover, concerned parents believe their children may become side-tracked, that is to say their children may fall in the innocent looking yet flagrant hands of the wrong deeds. With the internet, it is so easy to make friends of the wrong kind and it is even easier to get involved in crime. With the mobile phones, it seems so utterly normal to give someone whom…