Indeed,a conflict does exist between science and religion however the conflict is based on the lack of acceptance and vast misconceptions which members of either side are unwilling to let go of.
The conflict between science and religion exists because there is a lack of congruence between the results achieved through scientific discovery and the beliefs required by a religion to follow. This has led to the formation of two extremes i.e. either accept faith and the doctrines required by faith to be observed or accept the rational methodologies of science.
In an article published by “The Atlantic”, the author is of the opinion that solving the riddle that creates the conflict between science and religion is of utmost importance for the current generation. This is because of the reason that these two schools of thought are the most influential forces and guide the way we live our lives (Alfred).
Science and religion since their inception have been in a state of continuous development. However this development has been in the opposite direction i.e. initially science studied the literature provided by religion however with the development of scientific research, certain religious concepts remained unproven because they were considered “Abstract” by science. This has led to people accepting one side to be true and the other false (Alfred).
There is a conflict between science and religion however this is because of the fact that people are hesitant to study both and stick to one side. This has led to the permanent housing of misconceptions in the minds of people and is adding fuel to the fire i.e. increasing the conflict between the two ways of life.
The major reason behind the conflict between science and religion is the lack of acceptance of conclusions reached by either science or religion regarding a particular matter. If science put more light on the topic under discussion, religious scholars would deny those facts
References: Alfred, N. (n.d.). Religion and Science. Retrieved on October 4th, 2011 from Dan, C. (2006). God vs. Science.Retrieved on October 4th, 2011 from Elaine, H. (2010). "Science vs. Religion" discovers what scientists really think about religion. Retrieved on October 4th, 2011 from Ecklund, E., & Park, J. Z. (2009). Conflict Between Religion and Science Among Academic Scientists?.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 48(2), 276-292. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5906.2009.01447.x Honner, J. (1994). Science vs. religion (II).Commonweal, 121(16), 14.Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Martin-Hansen, L. (2008). First-Year College Students’ Conflict with Religion and Science.Science & Education, 17(4), 317-357. doi:10.1007/s11191-006-9039-5 Tom, C. (2009). God, creation, science, religion: the conflicts.October 4th, 2011from Yong, A. (2011). Science and Religion: Introducing the Issues, Entering the Debates -- A Review Essay. Christian Scholar 's Review, 40(2), 189-203. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.