
Are Tattoos Appropriate in the Workplace

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Are Tattoos Appropriate in the Workplace
Title: Are Tattoos Appropriate in the Workplace?
October 25, 2014

Topic: Can having tattoos stop you from getting the job you want?
Intervention Strategy: I used brainstorming for my essay. I came up with ideas to explain about tattoos in the workplace. Tattoos can stop you from getting the job you want. I feel that having a tattoo does not stop you from performing the job you are supposed to do. Does having a tattoo prevent you from doing your work? Why are some employers against employees having a tattoo? What harm is it to have a tattoo in the workplace? Does the first amendment support the fact of getting denied a job for having a tattoo?
Thesis: Having a tattoo in the workplace doesn’t hinder you from doing your job; just some employers are looking for a reason not to hire a person.
Three supporting points:
Some tattoos are inappropriate for the work place.
In one state it is going against your first amendment to get turned down for a job because of having a tattoo.
Having tattoos doesn’t prevent you from doing your job.
Sentence Outline:
I. Thesis: Having a tattoo in the workplace doesn’t hinder you from doing your job; just some employers are looking for a reason not to hire a person.
II. Some tattoos are inappropriate for the work place.
Vulgar tattoos should not be in the workplace unless they can be covered up.
Tattoos using profanity are inappropriate for the workplace they should also be covered and if they cannot be covered then this should prevent a person from being hired.
III. In one state it is going against your first amendment to get turned down for a job because of having a tattoo.
Arizona is the only state that does say that being turned down for a job due to having tattoos goes against the first amendment.
IV. Having tattoos doesn’t prevent you from doing your job.
Tattoos in no way can prevent you from doing your job.
Tattoos are not a disability that prevents a person from doing their job.


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