Are Teenagers the Dumbest Generation Ever?
Paradoxically, the only thing that is truly constant is the concept of change. This notion generally tends to apply itself to every possible idea, whether tangible or abstract, and continuously evokes the question of whose moral standpoint, whether based on intellect, or on intuition, is truly correct. Similarly, it is clear that in today’s era time’s law of change has created a schism between two generations with polar personal influences, ideologies, foundations for principles, and moral standpoints so substantial that it induces controversy, and a sense of apprehension as one tries to compensate for the misdemeanors of the other. A schism of such magnitude between two generations forced to live together has inevitably brought about the butting of heads, most scandalously through the pervasive media that reaches everyone who is in direct contact with immediate society. Dr. Mark Bauerlein, author of The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future; Or, Don't Trust Anyone Under 30 and professor at Emory University, kindles the flame that is the battle between generations; however, it is vital to consider that the fire had already been there, and Bauerlein, a strict believer in one of the opposing sides, had fed the fire gasoline. Of course, with tendentious media such as this, society is forced to respond; who is in the right? Who is left to blame? Does Bauerlein perhaps make a valid point, or is he entirely mistaken in his judgement of a technology-controlled generation? Is it presumptuous to assume that this preoccupation with social medias can be construed as stupidity, or is it entirely valid in its claim that teenagers have lost the susceptibility and ravenousness for knowledge that had been present in generations that preceded them? It is a heavily biased discussion often based on generalization, where both sides need a prospect for thorough review to be able to make a point that upholds validity, not just from
Cited: Hirsch, E.D. "Preclude to Excellence." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 13 Aug. 2008. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. .
Wetzstein, Cheryl. "WETZSTEIN: Will Generation Y Be Dumb or Great?" The Washingtion Times. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. .
"Is This the Dumbest Generation EVER?" Web. 12 Mar. 2012. .
"THE KIDS ARE IDIOTS." New York Post. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. .
"OMG Expert Says Today’s Kids are Stupid." Web. 12 Mar. 2012.
Visual Source
"Dumb Down Cartoons and Comics." CartoonStock. Web. 12 Mar. 2012.