
Are The Natural Rights Argument That Under Natural Law People?

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Are The Natural Rights Argument That Under Natural Law People?
Jordan-Ashley Pilkington
Government 2305
Essay 1/Prompt 1

The Natural Rights Argument states that under natural law people have the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Jefferson called these rights the “unalienable rights” which could not be abridged by our government. No one is Sovereign under the Natural Rights Argument and no one can take away another’s life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. The government is meant to be simply a tool of the Sovereign, and should work for the person's and not try to simply rule them. So the question is why can the government, Congress, declare war and not the people? Well, since we live in a democratic society with a “for the people, by the people mentality, it would be very dangerous for the people to act on their supremacy as it
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Thomas Jefferson took this idea of Natural Law and Social Contracts, when he was composing the Declaration of Independence, which is a major part in the very foundation the United States of America. “The Declaration of Independence was an attempt to identify and articulate a history and a set of principles that might help forge national unity (Ginsberg, 32)”. During his election it showed that Americans wanted more democratic politics were the common people where able to express more of their opinion and views. Since the American people wanted to voice there views the Federalist drew up some ways to unite one another under one union. The Federal Papers suggest that there needs to be distance between the people and their representatives. “This would encourage candidates because it would encourage the selection of a few talented and experienced representatives to serve in a national legislature who could balance the wishes of the people with their own considered judgments (Ginsberg, 49).” In Federalist Paper 9, Alexander Hamilton states that having a strong and sturdy Union would bring the greatest peace and freedom in the United States,

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