My brother, Ramez, is the definition of the word optimist. An optimist is a person who holds the belief that good ultimately outweighs evil in the world. Firstly, Ramez attempts to look at every situation on the brighter rather than the darker side. If he were to be robbed, he would say something along the lines of “at least I was not killed”. If one were to be completely failing at a hobby, assignment, career choice or having a mid-life crisis, Ramez would find a way to make it appear as if it is not the worst thing to happen and that a positive artifact has somehow come out of the negative situation. Now, this is a moderately beneficial characteristic to have in a person, for optimists will always be able to bring ones and their selves’ spirits…
Like Celie, I am an optimistic person because I do not let statistics define who am I and what I am capable of. Even though I come from a background that would not be able to be successful in society, I do not let that stop me. The world does not know my capabilities like I do.…
"I try not to describe the future, I try to prevent it.", a famous quote said by Ray Bradbury ().…
Optimism may be harmful when an individual only focuses on the “bright side” of life ignoring negatives or “realities” one can be taken off guard by unhappy moments in life. Simply being unprepared or unable to cope effectively with these negative events causes stress to one’s mental health. These negative events can make a person resentful and may cause the individual to isolate themselves from others. People who always look…
Rodolfo Costa once said; “Cultivate an optimistic mind, use your imagination, always consider alternatives, and dare to believe that you can make possible what others think is impossible” (Goodreads). Remaining positive has always held an important role in my life. I strive to find positives in every negative situation, and remember that I can always learn something from it. Sometimes changing the way you view a situation can make all the difference. Even through times where I have had every reason to give up, I have chosen to keep a positive attitude. I have found that when I decide to do this, it makes me significantly happier, and I take much more away from the situation.…
Remaining positive during tough times not only helps to overcome challenges, but it also helps people’s health in the long run. According to a contributor from Forbes, “Pessimism is trouble because it's bad for your health. Numerous studies have shown that optimists are physically and psychologically…
I mean we can't really know for sure what lies in our futures there is fate and destiny. If you plan what your future is things can happen then it won't always go your way. I'll believe what I strongly think is right.…
The words “optimism” and “pessimism” are, of course, too simple to summarize anything so complex as tragic drama, but however…
Being optimistic can result in better outcomes. A person with a positive attitude can advance themselves further in the workplace. Having a positive outlook on life can help people make better choices. Being a positive person can make life better in general. Optimism can help make the best out of a situation.…
Throughout life we are confronted by many difficult situations however, how we deal with these situations will either enhance or deteriorate our physical and psychological health. When someone is optimistic they expect the most positive outcome possible under all circumstances. According to University of Phoenix, Positive Psychology, (2009), “optimism is an individual disposition or trait and an explanatory style describing how people characteristically interpret the causes of bad events in their lives”. Optimists are less likely to develop illness produced by stress such as anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular disease. Optimism reduces stress…
A positive attitude helps me to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. A positive attitude can bring optimism into one’s life, making it easier to avoid failure. If it is adopted as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into my life as well as the lives of others making us happier, brighter, and more successful through inspiration. With my positive attitude I see the brighter side of life, becoming optimistic and always expecting the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening. My own positive outlook can greatly benefit my community mentally, physically and emotionally.…
I had always been an optimistic individual and tended to lean towards the “bright side” to every situation. I realized that I was responsible for my own happiness and dwelling on the negatives would only serve to cut down on my happiness and limit the scope of my experiences.…
In today’s pessimistic society, people tend to get caught up in the hardships of life, losing sight of the future and the opportunity that it holds. These negative perceptions affect a person’s mindset and result in the absence of hopes and dreams to move forward, transcend barriers and conquer the unimaginable.…
Optimists take proactive steps to protect their physical and mental health as well as focusing on goals that benefit their socioeconomic standing. "The trait of optimism may provide cognitive, coping, and contextual resources that promote better mental health" (Carver, et al., 2010. p. 880 pp. 2). Optimism is a behavioral trait that describes people who look for the positive in a situation. Optimism can help people cope in negative situations and lead to greater well-being. Optimists ability to cope with negative situations gives them increased opportunity to succeed and live healthier lives, compared to pessimists, because they believe a positive result is more likely.…
Sometimes life can have its ups and downs but it’s all for a purpose. This crazy rollercoaster is a part of life and it’s just a ride until we get to where we need to be. We sometimes take our life for granted and aren’t as appreciative of what we have we should all be thankful for everything we have in our lives. Every up and down is for a reason so we shouldn’t give up so easily when things start to get hard. With every bad comes something good and we should all have a positive outlook on life and its twist and turns.…