Article Reflection: Are You Getting Ready for 2025?
Believe it or not, most people that surround us daily spend more time wishing their lives away, rather than planning for an actual future. In order to promote success in one’s professional development, our society emphasizes certain principles more than others, for example, independence and leadership. Although these traits are important for overall achievement, we as a society tend to normalize certain behaviors and beliefs that can become counter-productive over time. Universities offer curriculums that teach students about morals and ethics within the workplace; however, students often find that once they enter into “the field,” most of these concepts have gone out the window.
Picture this: the semester is almost over and a majority of your peers are about to graduate. Everyone agrees that their personal lives are non-existent; the little time one has for personal time is plagued by exhaustion...! You constantly hear: “Damn! I can’t wait to be done!” “This needs to end quick!” Its difficult to “see the big picture” and close to impossible to look10 years in advance to envision where you will be. (poor planning/brainstorming; poor usage of “extra time”/”mind power”) …show more content…
Unlike most other articles I’ve read about future employment opportunities, and “the difficulties most people will encounter finding their dream jobs,” Levit steers clear of any negativities associated with the topic, and invites her readers to embrace hopes and future dreams by focusing on career development now, continue the journey (necessary for gaining self-knowledge), and learn just how effective these interests and skills interact with labor market