Oprah Winfrey is an American media proprietor who came from a less fortunate background. She has said multiple quotes that have inspired people to become the best they can and has guided many to success. “ It doesn’t matter where you came from but what does matter is where you end up” (Winfrey). Winfrey grew up in a poor environment but she has made something out of herself, she has made billions she is a talk show host, actress and entrepreneur. She believes that you can make it no matter who are with a focused mind set and plan on where you want to go in life. Another quote from a highly successful celebrity that goes by the name of Prince that really stands out from the rest of his sayings is “ Broken backgrounds do not define where you’re gonna go in life” (Prince). That really hits home for some people because Prince came from a struggling background. He made something out of himself even when people told him is music would take him no where, he did not believe them he still kept making more music and eventually became one of the most talented artist that has ever been around. Also to note that these are people of color, any argument that involves darker complected people are less likely to make it out of poverty is invalid because there are countless numbers of stories that involve people of color becoming successful. Overall, there are many successful individuals …show more content…
Immigrants come to America looking for a better life and what the U.S has to offer them. There is an estimated amount of 6.5 million undocumented immigrants working in the U.S. The jobs they work are manufacturing, service, construction, and agriculture it is proven that they get paid better here than the country they came from. If one worked the minimum wage in Mexico they would make 13 times less than the average American, said in the article “Can anyone live on the minimum wage in Mexico?” by Americas Quarterly. It is almost impossible to live off of Mexico’s minimum wage, one would have to skip a week without groceries to pay rent let alone other needs such as medicine, hygiene products, feminine products, etc. On the other hand an individual in the U.S can live off minimum wage without being in poverty and is still be able to have their needs and wants taken care of. America has so many jobs to offer to those who are willing to take on the opportunity and work then build their way up to the top if they are inclined to do so. After all America's minimum wage is much higher compared to the less developed