A land within Area 51, known as the Nevada Triangle, is unforgiving and deadly. Steve Fossett was a record breaking aviator that was also a victim of the triangle (Winter 1). The millionaire’s strange and sudden disappearance first seemed to be too good to be true, so astonishing that the public blamed himself, and then later, aliens. Over three hundred and sixty five days had passed before experts were able to find the cause of the pilot's death after finding remnants of the plane crash. The truth was that the geography of the area had beaten the record breaker himself (Winter 1). Geography and climate are the said reasons for the death of the pilot. Combining Pacific winds and vertical mountainsides, a phenomenon known as the Mountain Wave is formed. For this purpose, the winds have the strengths to pull aircrafts out of the sky during mid flight. (Winter 1). If our United States Government gave Steve Fossett the authority to operate a plane on the day of his death in a land that is not even supposed to exist, then they are responsible for his death and …show more content…
For example, planes that were being built and tested at Area 51 were exotic for any viewer lucky enough to see (Lieby 3). As a result of an ameture lie gone even worse, the cover of Area 51 was finally blown and it was put onto the map (“Dark Government” 1). One cannot simply occupy part of the earth and tell another that it does not exist without being questioned first. Hence, the government came down with a classic case of do as I say, not as I do. From the denial of the existence of Area 51 to its acceptance, the government has come a long way. For fear of a better or worse reason, one might conclude that the purpose of hiding Area 51 was for military purposes that improved our country. Conspiracies will continue to transpire due to the pure mystery connected with the land. Whether or not one believes that Area 51 is military or extraterrestrial related, the fact of the matter is, it does exist, and there is proven activity. The choice is up to the victims of curiosity to believe or doubt the answers to the questions that once seemed to be so out of this