
Argument Against Animal Testing

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I. Unethical
a. Animals cannot give their consent to be a test subject.
b. Animals have feelings that aren’t recognizable.
c. Robin Williams passed and the Gorilla he had been working with named Kok, became depressed. After learning sign language, Kok signed the word crying showing how sad she was by the death of Robin Williams.
d. Many animals are tortured with burns, forced to accept these drugs with unknown results, and restrained for long periods of times.
e. Animal testing is immoral and even outlawed in some countries.
[Transition Although there are laws and acts passed to protect these animals, they aren’t always enforced.]
II. Animal Welfare Act
a. The act was passed in the year of 1966, but is not enforced as much as it should be.
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Marjorie Sun wrote, “Since the late 1920’s, scientists have killed millions of animals to conduct the test, which was designed to help judge the acute toxicity of drugs, pesticides, and other chemicals.”
b. It has become a bigger issue that many are noticing. A couple of years ago there were 16 congressmen who wrote a letter to agencies about their concern with testing.
c. These test require a large number of animals at a time such as 50 to 120 to conduct their testing.
d. Their tests kill up to 50 percent of their animals they test on which has shown how dangerous this is for the animals and how it should be stopped.
[Transition Animal testing is not essential when trying to advance medically; there are other alternatives.]
VII. Alternate testing procedures
a. Microdosing is when a person takes small doses of a substance as a test to see if it would work. This only has an effect on their cellular perspective which doesn’t affect their major organ systems.
b. Huh, Dongeun, Geraldine A Hamilton, and Donald E Ingber, who are biomedical engineers state, “[Organs on chips] could potentially serve as replacements for animals used in drug development and toxin testing.”
c. Computer models are available that display human molecular structures which can predict the toxicity of the

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