decisions and implementing them without the consent or consideration for the Earth’s climate are what can potentially weaken our planet and is what makes me worry about our fate on this globe. To this day, the US and even the world as a whole are still heavily reliable on the energy source of fossil fuels. Because fossil fuels are pinpointed as a contributing factor to the recent event of climate change, many of these individuals are hesitant and even question the legitimacy of these claims. In fact some opponents of this issue have brought up the fact that climate change isn’t a recent phenomenon, but rather a process the Earth has been through many times. Even though the fact of climate change being an old cycle the Earth experiences is true, recent studies show the current patterns of the climate don’t correlate naturally as before. The data collected shows strongly in support of this being highly attributed to recent human activity.
The U.S.
and many developing countries have such a high emphasis on oil and fossil fuels to their economy that any attention given to research and development on renewable energy is minimal and seen as somewhat insignificant. Due to this heavy reliance on this form of energy, wars have been fought and international relations have slowly intensified. All of these effects are what also contribute to many of the issues Mother Earth is facing. Due to their public denial and refusal of climate change, it not only makes these figures look bad but can and will affect us and our environment in the long run. Many world leaders such as the president elect Donald Trump feel climate change is a way of trying to sabotage the economy. In his own words, the president elect had personally stated his belief that climate change was a conspiracy theory perpetrated by the Chinese as a means of destroying American industrialization and employment. I am not doubting his capability as well as an other leader’s capability of combating this problem, but this controversial comment highly suggests his inexperience and lack of knowledge of important issues such as this. This shows the political establishment’s weak reaction and indifference to climate change, which is one of the reasons of why the issue has
If we want to be able to handle the climate change problem appropriately, we need to be educated and informed about the information regarding this issue. We need to be able to figure out compromises that can be beneficial to us and the entire ecosystem. All of us today and the future generations to come all need to have a part in finding a solution, because if we don’t, it will further be neglected by the political system and by us as a whole.