In a democracy the people have the power, when paired with …show more content…
How can one family line maintain the structure to rule from generation to generation? Ultimately they cannot. No matter what rate it comes erosion of health, wealth, or ethics will eventually bring a monarchy to its knees. There is no questioning the fact that overtime humans grow comfortable and accustomed to their power. When this happens they will be overthrown, sometimes for good and sometimes for the worst. This happened to Nero in the year 68. His negligence of a threat ended up costing him his life.
Though the evidence is stacked against monarchy in the long term, the sort term benefits are immense. Excluding the missed potential of the people, the reign of power can be grand. The best example of this is King Louis XIV. His legacy lives on today as the Sun King. He chose this as a symbol of his power claiming that he was divine and infallible. With this he changed the monarchy because he refused having a minister. His death proceeded his 77th birthday by four days, he was in power the longest of any European monarch at the …show more content…
Americans are granted the ability to chase “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. This is a freedom that cannot be found in monarchies. The working man can rise to the top, while the man born into wealth and power can equally fall, all based on their character and skills. This harbors wealth and prosperity for all who work. Living by the Bible, 2 Thessalonians 3:10 King James Version (KJV)
“For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” All people are granted inalienable rights and freedom to change for the better or worse. In conclusion, the downfalls of Monarchy exist primarily in the ethical realm. The bourgeoisie lives are dictated by chance alone and true equality is suffocated. The hierarchical system is destructive to society. Those who are born into power no matter how terrible or great their character is remain. The argument for monarchy is futile from a holistic perspective, when taking into account the value of all people. Ultimately it can be determined that societies function best when people are judged and rewarded on their character rather than inheritance. Freedom is a rare blessing and as Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the