Professor Andy Behrmann
English 112
8 September 2012
Argument Analysis Essay The artifact I chose was a short film about bullying called “Sticks and Stones.” In the beginning of the video a mom finds an audio recording of her daughter. While she is listening to the recording it shows the daughter sitting, standing, walking, etc. in various locations. In the recording the girl is talking about how she was bullied and the effects it had on her. She goes on to say that she had no friends and no one to go to for help. At the end of the recording the girl tells her mother goodbye and it shows the girl looking at a hangman’s knot. During the last fifteen seconds of the video a couple of statistics are given and then the names …show more content…
This video mostly uses pathos because the entire video is very emotional. The girl starts by saying, “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you. Well the truth is they do, they hurt a lot.” She goes on to say that she can’t even remember when it all started because it had been going on for so long. She calls herself a victim and a target. She says that these people took all of her happiness away and that she feels better only when she is alone. She says “So I sit here for hours crying tears that no one ever sees, talking words that no one ever hears. No one really knows what’s going on.” She goes on to say that most people look forward to tomorrow but she doesn’t because she knows that tomorrow will only bring more pain. The saddest part is the end when she apologizes to her mother and starts to talk about what heaven will be like. She does this while looking at a hangman’s knot. She ends the video saying, “There sticks and stones won’t hurt me anymore, I’ll be happy at last.” This video also uses logos. At the end of the video it gives two statistics. “44% of suicides in the UK are a result of bullying.” “20% of secondary school students say they have seriously considered suicide within the last 12