English 101
8:00am MWF
Argument Essay
April 21, 2014
There has been a lot of controversy over whether or not there is life on other planets. An easy way to look at the Earth compared to the Universe is to compare it to fish in a pond. Fish have no knowledge of any other fish existing outside of their pond. How would they? Their minds are not complex enough to understand humans, fish, or any other things exist besides what is in their pond. We could be just like those fish in a pond ignorant of any more advanced life forms existing outside of our galaxy. The Government has always denied any existence of extraterrestrial beings. They haven’t been known as …show more content…
the most trust worthy source. Thinking logically, the probability of Earth being the only planet able to sustain intelligent life is rare. Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon in the Apollo 11 mission.
In this mission there were two minutes of radio silence that have brought many questions about what happened in those two minutes. NASA claims the problem came from one of two television cameras overheating. It is believed that NASA screened the radio transmission to keep the public from hearing what Neil saw on the moon. According to ‘Above Top Secret’ on page 384, what Neil actually said was, “These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn 't believe it! I 'm telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they 're on the moon watching us.” There wasn’t only one claim like this. There are several occasions where reliable, inside sources claim NASA is not telling the truth about what happened. According to Michael Sallas’ article, Neil Armstrong dies along with secrets of what he saw on moon, He stated “Maurice Chatelain is a retired NASA communications engineer who helped develop the communications system used in the Apollo moon missions. In his 1975 book, Our Cosmic Ancestors, he wrote: Only moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two UFOs hovered overhead.” Apollo 14 Astronaut, Captain Edgar Mitchell was quoted saying, ”I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real. It has been covered up by governments for quite some time now.” …show more content…
This proves that the government can’t discredit the claims by saying they are not from a reliable source. Another case where the government seems to be hiding something is Area 51.
Refusing its existence until recently, the U.S. government referred to it as a military base used for experimental surveillance aircrafts. It seems that’s the most popular excuse they use these days. Anytime anything unusual happens they blame it on an air force experiment. The Facility was finally confirmed it was a testing ground for Top Secret military aircrafts. Why was the existence of this facility denied for so many years? Perhaps that’s the best cover up story that would explain the strange objects sighted around the facility. No one knows exactly what the government is hiding from the public. The famous case of a UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico was allegedly sent here to be examined. Allegedly they took the technology from crashed UFOs and regenerated it to advance human
technology. Technology has rapidly advanced since the 1900s. Humanity went from horse carriages to extremely well engineered cars, airplanes, and rockets in as little as a hundred years. Fossil evidence proves that humans have been on earth for more than 150,000 years. How did we grow so exponentially in as little as one century? Within the last 50 years UFO reports have reached astronomical proportions. That appears to be more than a coincidence. These reports did not go to police or scientist, but for 22 years they were collected by the Air Force as the Project Bluebook Investigation. In 1969 they were classified as no threat since many had poor data to back up the reports. Although, there were 22% classified as “unknown” where they had no scientific explanation as to what they could be. Scientists have discovered that chemical reactions in young planets contain the building blocks to life. They have also found living organisms in space. The universe stretches on endlessly. Scientists have found that the universe contains about 130 billion galaxies. Imagine how many planets are in those galaxies. Scientists have found an ‘Earth-like’ planet that could be habitable. This planet named Kepler-186f can support life. According to the law of infinite possibility there could be other planets out there that already contain intelligent life forms. The existence of intelligent life is perhaps too scary for some to even consider. The government puts off UFO encounters as hoax, misidentified objects, and psychological issues. They try to make the people who believe in them seem like small town hicks, college professors detached from reality, and small-minded people. Although, many scientists believe it is inevitable that we will eventually find life on other planets and it’s just a matter of time. When these facts are looked at rationally it’s clear that advanced life forms may exist.
"Is there life on other planets?." Debatewise. N.p., n.d. Web. . .