Should emphasis be placed on intelligence and awareness when interpreting what a human being is? A fetus is not a form of intelligent life because it has not yet had any experience, so therefore probably hasn't had thoughts. In his essay, Rene Descartes, argues that we truly exist because we can doubt our existence. He states, "If I completely stop thinking, I would completely cease to exist". In this sense of existence is it possible for an unborn child to doubt their existence, or truly think? (Kessler 325).
"It could be said that a person should have an interest in their own future before they earn the right to it" (Shrage 8). Even if a fetus is defined as a human being because it has a potential life, if the fetus does not yet aspire to live. It is impossible to argue that the fetus values its future yet, so why should it have a right to it?
It could be argued that as the child could not possibly survive independently of the mother, at least before
Bibliography: Kellough, Gail. Aborting Law: An Exploration of the Politics of Motherhood and Medicine. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1996. Kessler, Gary E. Voices of Wisdom. California: California State University, 2001. 11/20/01. Langley, Sharon. "Pro-Choice and Proud" 11/20/01. Shrage, Laurie. Moral Dilemmas of Feminism : Prostitution, Adultery, and Abortion. New York : Routledge, 1994.