
Argument From Design

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Argument From Design
To deliberate upon this argument and determine a personal standpoint is a difficult task. However, it is clear that “the argument from design” in all of the forms in which it appears, is an argument th agreeing with. While every argument has flaws, and there are many objections to “the argument from design” specifically, the argument itself presents clear reasons to at least consider its correctness. To begin, much of science is based on observation and, as “the argument from design” is based on observations similarly made in scientific fields, one can suggest that if mankind can accept science as truth, mankind can also accept the existence of God as truth through arguments that are reflective of scientific observation and thinking. Furthermore, …show more content…
To being, it can be argued that chaos is proof that nature if not harmonious or functioning. And, if God were to be so perfect that nature was also made perfectly and functionally, chaos should not exist. Chaos, is the absence of order, and as “the argument from design” is founded on the observation that nature exists in harmonious order, the existence of chaos, therefore, contradicts the argument. However, it could also be argued that chaos serves its place in order. One of the many suggestions that refute another God argument, “The problem of evil”, suggests that there needs to be enough evil in the world to balance out the good in order for the world to be truly perfect (Solomon, 2017). Thus, the same counter-argument could be made for chaos, in that chaos is a necessary part of order so that true balance may be …show more content…
If a machine that generated pictures through the random assignment of dots existed, it is almost equally possible for the dots to appear as a jumble or a recognizable image. While the recognizable image is less probable, it is still an outcome that exists within the plane of reality, without having needed a particular guide to form that image (“The Argument from Design.” Princeton University). Thus, while nature appears to have been made by the hands of a designer, it could still be potentially probable for nature to have come about at random. However, this is unlikely because in order for that machine to exist in which randomness was programmed, it is necessary for an entity to have designed that program to perform such actions. Thus, even if nature was random, it was random by

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