Fokus | Strategi | Pelan taktikal | Pelaksana | Sasaran | KPI Output | KPI Outcome | Status capai | Sentence patterns and grammar | Assembly Presentation | Every Monday(7.50 a.m.-8.00 a.m.) | Year 6 English Teacher | | | | | Weak Items | Extra Classes | Every Wednesday (1.30 p.m. to2.30 p.m.) | Year 6 English teacher | To achieve at least 80% in the UPSR examination | Pupils show improvement in their vocabulary and sentence structures | The pupils are more confident in answering the questions. | 80% of the pupils show improvement | Average pupils (2) | Mentor and Mentee’ program | Every Tuesday and Thursday (2.30 p.m.-3.30 p.m.) | Year 6 English Teacher | To achieve minimum Grade C in the UPSR examination | The pupils can construct sentences with minor mistakes | The pupils are more concern and careful when answering questions. | Both the pupils show improvement in constructing sentences and note expansion (scored Grade B in the AR3 examination) | Paper 1 Grammar Comprehension questions | ‘-Use grammar handbook-Compulsory use of picture dictionary and English dictionary during classroom teaching.Extensive ReadingSpelling Test | -Compulsory revisions and drill exercises on all past years examination questions and tropical exercises-Using the dictionary wisely. Increase students’ word power by lending books of fiction and non fiction5-10 words per lesson | .Level 2 English TeachersLevel 2 English TeachersLevel 2 English Teachers.Level 1 and Level 2 English teachers | To achieve at least 80% in the UPSR examination | Pupils can master the key words and are familiar with the items tested in the UPSRPupils are able to look for clues in the texts by underlying the sentences | Pupils are able to think critically and predict the outcomes when answering comprehension questions | 80% of the pupils can pass the AR3 examinationAverage pupils can answer 50% ofthe questions correctly.The good pupils can
Fokus | Strategi | Pelan taktikal | Pelaksana | Sasaran | KPI Output | KPI Outcome | Status capai | Sentence patterns and grammar | Assembly Presentation | Every Monday(7.50 a.m.-8.00 a.m.) | Year 6 English Teacher | | | | | Weak Items | Extra Classes | Every Wednesday (1.30 p.m. to2.30 p.m.) | Year 6 English teacher | To achieve at least 80% in the UPSR examination | Pupils show improvement in their vocabulary and sentence structures | The pupils are more confident in answering the questions. | 80% of the pupils show improvement | Average pupils (2) | Mentor and Mentee’ program | Every Tuesday and Thursday (2.30 p.m.-3.30 p.m.) | Year 6 English Teacher | To achieve minimum Grade C in the UPSR examination | The pupils can construct sentences with minor mistakes | The pupils are more concern and careful when answering questions. | Both the pupils show improvement in constructing sentences and note expansion (scored Grade B in the AR3 examination) | Paper 1 Grammar Comprehension questions | ‘-Use grammar handbook-Compulsory use of picture dictionary and English dictionary during classroom teaching.Extensive ReadingSpelling Test | -Compulsory revisions and drill exercises on all past years examination questions and tropical exercises-Using the dictionary wisely. Increase students’ word power by lending books of fiction and non fiction5-10 words per lesson | .Level 2 English TeachersLevel 2 English TeachersLevel 2 English Teachers.Level 1 and Level 2 English teachers | To achieve at least 80% in the UPSR examination | Pupils can master the key words and are familiar with the items tested in the UPSRPupils are able to look for clues in the texts by underlying the sentences | Pupils are able to think critically and predict the outcomes when answering comprehension questions | 80% of the pupils can pass the AR3 examinationAverage pupils can answer 50% ofthe questions correctly.The good pupils can