A part of this that people may not recognize is that when the economy is weak, the poorest countries suffer the most. $1 dollar can help a hundred people in a poor country more than it can help someone in a rich or developed country. Although we have stronger affinity towards our citizens and if money was equally effective we would choose our own citizens first, when it’s 100 times more effective in impacting lives,…
Like world hunger, distribution is the issue, the government and the rich are responsible for eclipsing the poor people and turning them into the “other” and it should be the collective responsibility of society to help bring the poor out of…
Why should the rich not spread their wealth to help others for the positive? Poverty is a sad, harsh, and heartbreaking issue in America. If the wealthy would help in any possible way, the world would become a better place little by little. How come our country is so quick to try and aid other countries when we could focus on our first? America is viewed by other countries as relatively close to a utopian society, but is it…
Whether in the form of money, training or education. One of the problems wealth nations have with providing aid is it may not get distribute to the people that really need it the most These global governments do not want an educated population for fear of the masses realizing what has been happening to them all their lives. Wealthy nations like to feel like what they are giving is making a difference, but in truth the poor do not see this money. The saying “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer” is an ominous cloud for the poor and it is starting to filter in to the middle class of society. The reality is wealthy countries do not want everyone to be on the same social or economically footing. This would disrupt the hierarchies that have been built up over the decades and the beginning of…
Getting money from the 100 rich to the 250 poor would be the right thing to do, because it would create a more long term happiness for the poor people. Although the way I think it should happen without taking happiness from the rich, is that the rich voluntarily give up their money through donations, charitable events, or any other way they seem fit. People will tend to even gain happiness from given. An example is when a school or business is going to shut down from the lack of supplies or money, and someone with a lot of money comes in and makes charitable donation it would make a lot of people happen even the donator. With the donation that school or business will be able to continue to run. Another example is at Christmas time, a lot of people say the best part of Christmas is that they would rather give present than receive presents them from others. It gives you a good feeling inside when a kid opens your present and they get all excited. Even though the rich have more money than they can spend it’s still not moral to take things from others, thus taking their happiness away just to create a more and greater…
For the past years, rich countries have been playing a vital role in giving poor countries a large amount of money. Even though, some of this money was premeditated for improving the lives of the poor households, much of it has vanished or made no discrepancy. International aid refers to voluntary transfer of capital, good or services from one country to another. This essay will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of giving international aid to poor countries.…
Dambisa Moyo’s has a good argument when she says that aid should be invested with domestic producers, which in turn creates jobs for the locals. In my opinion, simply donating goods produced by rich corporations is not the right approach and does little for the locals. Rather, we should support local businesses so that they can grow and do not have to rely on foreign aid anymore. As Easterly says, poverty ends “by homegrown political, economic, and social reformers and entrepreneurs.” By putting foreign aid in the right places and working closely with locals, we can support those countries on their way to the end of poverty, but we have to assure that they become self-sustainable and independent of foreign aid so that they will eventually be able to get out of poverty by…
In recent 20 years, many countries have been transformed into developed countries, such as China, Japan and Singapore. But other countries also have not been transformed at all and still be poorer countries. We are not live alone in this earth and need a hand from others. So, I argue that wealth nations have to share their hands to poorer countries. It is not only about socialized but also many wealth countries take advantage from poorer countries and poorer countries also cannot stand by themselves but need something that can boost them up.…
Often, it happens so that developing nations do not have enough money in order to develop themselves. The money they would require could be for any major developmental project in that country. These developing countries ask for international aid in order to facilitate the implementation of these projects.…
In recent years, there is a controversial issue is that the rich countries should share their assets among the poorer countries or not. Most of the public agreed that it is a necessary activity to help the poor improve their lives. On the other hand, some tax payers resolutely keep their opinions when they supposed that the governments of poorer nations are liability to take care of their inhabitants by themselves. As a supporter of sharing with the poor, I think that we have many reasons to establish philanthropic organizations to support the wretch in other countries and territories. Several main reasons will be analyzed in this essay. Beginning with lack of natural resources, poor nations cannot take advantages of fertile soil to cultivate or minerals to exploit. Moreover, weak education causes many consequences, one of them is a large number of residents are illiterate so they cannot approach modern life by knowledge. Because of that, they always live with the shortage of food, clothes and other articles of daily necessities. They do not have enough money and technology to improve the environment so it brings them to need the help of other countries for surviving. Besides, economic crises occur after several years, as a stage of the economic cycle. Given their capabilities and power, rich nations often recover more quickly than their poor counterparts. This means that the poor is not only more prone to negative impacts of economic crises but also in more difficult circumstances. In these cases, if we do not join our hands to offer them financial assistance, then the gap between the rich and the poor is become wider, lead to the loss of economic balance. When the living standard has been improved, they can afford to quality…
While the world is going so fast, a lot of countries are still inefficient in following this global trend. While citizens in developed countries have a high standard of living, people in poorer are nations still suffering from the terrible and bad economic conditions as well as in their quality of life. Thus, in my view, I strongly believe that the wealthy countries should take some responsibility to share parts of their wealth to those poorer nations.…
First of all, richer nations that are most likely to be developed countries can help underdeveloped countries by supporting them financially. The Government of The United States spends 45.8 billion dollars every year and get up to 2.2 trillion dollars in taxes…
mobilize and manage resources more effectively and equitably. Rich countries must increase aid, debt relief, market access and…
Developed or rich countries help developing or poor countries by providing aid to them. Currently lots of third world countries receive foreign aids from developed countries. This situation is lasting for many years and has both positive and negative aspects. Foreign aid from various sources can reach recipients through bilateral or multilateral delivery systems. Literally the world is becoming more and more closely linked but still the gap between rich and poor is widening. In spite of that the aid poor countries get from rich countries is contributing a lot in the economic development.…
On the one hand, if the nations over the world accelerate a better relationship, this step will have far-reaching influences on poverty eradication and hunger alleviation. For example, the countries can carry out cultural exchanges, namely art exhibition or football friendlies matches. In terms of education, the rich nation should enable for young generation in the poor country, such as my homeland – Viet Nam, access to an advanced education and the new technologies in developed country. As a result, this help cultivate links among nations and strengthen mutual understanding and mutual interests. Futhermore, this will provide more job creation in not only the developing coutries but also the developed nations.…