Censorship has been defined as “The removal of material that is deemed or judged offensive to any sector of the population. Many have wondered, “Just how beneficial is censorship to man, when is it enough and does it help”? It is my view however; that there is no clear answer to the question, for censorship has its fair balance of advantages and disadvantages.
I argue that the censorship of the internet in the modern digital era is “Ludacris” ridiculous because of 10000 years of progress. And we shouldn’t censor knowledge; knowledge is the most important thing for the human being it’s what keeps us going the meaning of life in a nutshell is “moving forward”.
The Internet can be a very disturbing and adult medium. There are parts of the Internet that should not be viewed by children. Explicit information can be found which is intended for an adult audience but children who have access to the Internet have become exposed to this material. The question at hand is who is responsible for preventing these children from viewing this material? Censoring the entire Internet would be one possible option. Though this option would be effective but it wouldn't be practical. Censoring the Internet would limit what adults could view and communicate. Owners of Internet servers should know of the possible information and could access to people that can be found in this medium. Having the access to the vast information available on the Internet, a responsibility is needed. Censorship of the Internet is not needed as a whole, but the reasons for censorship are understandable. These reasons though, should be the responsibility of the individual user, not the government. Relying on the government is not the answer.
Prevention of children viewing and having access to elicit material can be achieved without banning the material from the Internet. I fully believe in censorship of the Internet: Censorship by the parents for their