
Argumentative Essay About Space Exploration

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Argumentative Essay About Space Exploration
The universe is vast, but the human race has the power to make it smaller. The history of space exploration involves competition among nations and, more importantly, citizens. In contrast, recent years present citizens who find no interest in traveling to the moon and beyond. The average citizen may not understand the potential assets that are established through space exploration, and, therefore, should have the opportunity to become educated on the topic. The most commonly asked question regarding space travel is “Why?”, and there are many scientists who have spent decades formulating an answer to that inquiry. For example, a researcher from NASA has recently stated, “Human space exploration helps to address fundamental questions about our place in the universe and the history of our solar system. Through the challenges …show more content…
By continuing extraterrestrial research, humans will make significant discoveries that will not only send them further into space, but also make them closer as a race. Therefore, the human race must be aware of the importance of space exploration in order to utilize its economical and societal benefits. Based on the economical advantages of space exploration, many nations and private companies invest in it. However, citizens often ponder the point of exploring the vast unknown. For this reason, it is important to understand how space exploration affects the World’s economy, and more specifically, its jobs and free market. The expansion of our space programs will bring ample job growth. Universe Today said, “Another popularly cited benefit of space exploration is ‘job creation’, or the fact that a space agency and its network of contractors, universities and other entities help people stay employed. From time to time, NASA puts out figures concerning how many associated jobs a particular project generates, or the economic impact” (Howell, What Are). They continued to elaborate

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