I strongly believe that children are not adults. The term ‘children’ refers to people below the age of 18 and the different terminology already serves as evidence that proves the fact that children are not adults. If not, why the different terms to refer to human beings that only differ in age? Children are NOT adults because their mental, physical and social capabilities are still in the process of developing – they are essentially ‘adults-to-be’. Physically, children have yet to develop completely. They still have the potential to grow taller and to grow stronger. Mentally, they have yet to receive a sufficient amount of education that will provide them the knowledge to face day-to-day situations. Children also lack the social maturity to handle complex emotions such as stress, distress, anger, tragedy and so on. Furthermore, because of their young age, children have not yet experienced the world enough to come to conclusions that are frankly, beyond their mental capabilities.
It is because of these facts that I assert that the ramifications of treating children as adults would be fatal to the world. For example, if we were to leave children in charge of physical labour, the eventual consequences of doing so would be a generation of physically deformed, if not severely stunted adults. What is more, children’s performance cannot compare to that of adults. Hiring children in this field would cause productivity to decrease. Yet if we were to relieve them of this form of responsibilities and pass them the baton of running the economic world, then our economy will surely collapse at their hands. With insufficient education, children cannot comprehend the complicated workings behind our economy. Having children as interns that can do little but ogle at the computer screens of meaningless numbers and words would be so pointless and fruitless that we might as well have them sent to school. Treating