Tanya Firestone
ENG 112
24th September 2014
I Am Not a Fish
Since my first exchange program to the U.S. my mind has been filled with memories of taking standardized tests. In junior high I was introduced to the MEAPs, and the agonizing tests went on until my senior year of high school when I took the dreadful ACT. I remember the importance that our teachers and school administrators stressed concerning the ACT, because they had a reputation to uphold in the education system. The schools are ranked in each district based on how well the students perform on the standardized tests. We, as students, were brainwashed by the school system to believe that these tests are of considerable importance and that they measure our intelligence, but the reality is that these tests really prove who is a better test taker.
I have experienced two …show more content…
This is a sublime example, and I agree with James’s views on these tests. The education system should teach kids to chase after excellence, not grades or a number on a timed test. Those things are meaningless if the students don’t grasp knowledge and end up losing their imagination.
However, I don’t completely agree with James. I understand his point of view on standardized tests and the pressure that schools put on students; but he fails to recognize that secondary education is not only about the standardized tests, it’s also about the school environment. High school appears to be more about socializing and “finding yourself”, rather than preparing students for college. In the mind of an average student, cliques, sports, and social gatherings often are given more importance than education