If you give it your best in high school you can get a scholarship and go to college but even without a scholarship there is always financial aid to help you out. As I stated previously college has benefits and one of those benefits is less stress. For example, let’s say you have a family of three college gives you an opportunity to get a job doing what you love (in most cases). In return you have a steady income and not much to worry about because that income provides you the opportunity to get food and have food on the table for your kids. Only a heartless parent would waste their paycheck on something other than providing the care and need for their child.
This brings me to more security. More security ties in with less stress. According to Reater more security means less worry about not being able to supporting the people you love or yourself. Also college is a way to achieve independence. Individuals with a high school diploma are about twice as likely to be unemployed as those with a college degree (Reater, Five ways ). In addition to the previous sentence the percentage for unemployment for high school grads are 9.7% while a person who has a 4 year college degree has an unemployment rate of 4.6%. As you can see the person who goes to college has a greater chance of getting a job than a person with only a high school …show more content…
There is a greater wealth as well as a better health. To get more in depth with the greater wealth Economist states that college graduates aged 25 to 32 who are working full time earn about $17,500 more annually than their peers who have only a high school diploma. Furthermore Reater states that individuals with a college degree earn an average of 63% more hourly in wages than those with only a high school diploma.
College contributes to health because you have time on your hands to exercise. Individuals ages 25 to 34 with a college degree are much more likely to engage in vigorous exercise than those with a high school diploma (Reater, Five ways). Contributing to that, young adults with a college degree are much less likely to be obese. 34% with a high school diploma will more likely be obese comparing to 20% with those having a 4-year college