The key to understand the value of an education is looking at it over a long period of time. Studies have shown that people who have obtained a college degree of some sort will earn an average of 74 percent more than someone who hasn’t. According to the Census Bureau, a college graduate earned $57,181 in 2007, while the average high-school graduate earned just …show more content…
For example, the average medical school graduate owes and average of $113,661 after graduation. Experts say the reason it is much higher is because, students who study law, business and medicine are more capable of paying off these loans with their higher paying jobs. The students who have a hard time paying off their loans are usually the ones who either, start graduate school and end up not finishing, or those who do finish and end up taking jobs with a low pay wage. For example, Robert Applebaum nearly a $100,000 in education debt by attending an expensive law school. Mr. Applebaum struggled because, after he graduated he took a low paying job at a district attorney’s office in Brooklyn, NY. (Wilson