The message ‘breast is best’ has been around for many years now and is being debated just as much now as it was back then. Many professionals argue that ‘breast is best’ however, this is not always ideal for the mother due to many complications and individual circumstances. There are many reasons as to why mothers are choosing either to or not to breastfeed which will be explored as well as the support that is available to them and how easy this is to access. The benefits and disadvantages to the child will also be explored. The issue of whether the ‘breast is best’ message is getting through is a future and contemporary issue that affects both mother and baby.
• Why do some mothers breastfeed and others don’t?
• What is ‘breast is best’ and why do professionals believe this?
• What are the issues with the message ‘breast is best’?
• What support is there for mothers to encourage breastfeeding?
These questions will help direct the research and allow a conclusion to be drawn as to whether the ‘breast is best’ message is getting through and if not why. Both primary and secondary sources will be examined to best answer the above question. Primary sources such as surveys, and blogs will be used to help substantiate information gained …show more content…
The message is to inform mothers that breast milk is best for babies. This is due to the nutritional value to the babies and the benefits is can provide. The message was developed in 1978 by Penny and Andrew Stanley in the United Kingdom (O’Dowd, 2015). This was due to breastfeeding levels being at an all-time low around the world. This message tells mothers that even though formula will be fine for your baby and will not harm them, breast milk provides them with the essentials they need to be healthy and build a strong immune