Death is a horrible topic that few people are willing to talk with. It takes away someone’s life, including his/her body, voice, smile and the memory in people’s mind about him/her. Everything goes to the air and vanish. No one wants to be dead because it will cause the people they love fell into a deep sorrow and maybe won’t move on. “We honor the dead therefore by working to reunify humanity outside the constraints of our mortality, which is the cause of their loss to us.” (Essay on The Society of Humankind by Lawrence T. Roach)
Death is a tool to learn a human’s heart. You think you have a best spouse in the world and promise with him/her that won’t leave each other even the death coming. To take Hamlet as an example, “Within a month/ Era yet the salt of most unrighteous …show more content…
tears/Had left the flushing in her galled eyes/She married.” (Hamlet, 1.2.153-156). Hamlet was talking about his mother’s dishonor to his dad. In his opinion, the love between a couple wouldn’t be broken because of the death of one side. Claudius must be a greedy woman who love the high status. Remarriage is the only way for her remain as a queen.
Death is a horrible thing as it exposes the dark side of humanness.
Maybe you don’t need to wait for your death. By the time you get the cancer and lay in the hospital. How will your “best” spouse treat with you? Is she/he running away immediately for the countless troubles coming instead of taking good care for you even though it will cause million dollars? Or maybe worse, your “best” spouse takes all of your money away and marry another one quickly after your death. Human’s heart is the hardest to learn but death is the easiest tool to use to learn human’s heart entirely.
There is also a tool used to learn things more clearly. It is called the magnifier. “The magnifying glass is one of the oldest devices used to improve sight.” (Magnifying Glass—A Short History by Carl Ikeme) An old person uses it to read the newspaper so that he/she could know what is going on around this messy world. A detective uses it to observe the tiny evidences in order to search the guilty murderer. A student uses it to learn how the sunshine focus on one point so that they have the acknowledge of physics. All of these introduce magnifier can lead human to the truth why things happen in the
Same with death, magnifier can study the details of one thing but it won’t hurt people’s hearts. Death is a horrible phenomenon. You never know it will show you a devil or an angle. However, the magnifier won’t show you the dark side of human. It is a truth-teller that on one use it with a dirty heart.