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29 November 2012
Energy Drink
Energy drinks are the quick human refuel for the young adults who may use this drink to improve performance and combat fatigue when they are tired after long day of work. The abuse of this addictive drink has another big impact on the society, especially in the entire student or labor industry companies the workers are consuming energy drinks the famous “Energy Monster” energy drinks which has become part of daily activities or just to relax, even this refuel energy can be mixed with an alcohol to get the sensation of feeling better. “In according to studies done energy drinks establish a pattern of addictions; the point is the energy drink causes anxiety, poor sleep, sexual resistance decreases, less energy, and poor thinking”
The energy drink has several consequences on the health causing dizziness, dehydration, anxiety, seizures, strokes, headaches & increases heart palpitation (Heart Arrhythmia) American Pharmacist Association report the amounts of these supplements in energy drinks are too small to provide any health benefits, also the study indicates …show more content…
The indigestion of alcohol and caffeine pose serious health risks continue mix drinks together cause alcohol addiction you may end up drinking more and more until you getting the alcohol involved in you daily activities which cause a more problems in the social life, so the fact is you may need extra help to avoid the addition to the energy drink and to stop drinking alcohol, the physical ingredients are the one causing the sensation of relieve any type of mode in the human been an example when the alcohol addiction is messing up your daily activity, sport life or even the family relationship you need to find another type of research or support groups to deal with