First of all, they should not be living in a place where they don’t belong. Animals are not things you can take from their homes and drag them into a completely different world. Animals, even dogs and cats, should live where they are born, but people turn dogs and cats in …show more content…
house pets. If animals are born in the wild they should stay in the wild.
Lots of exotic animals need lots of space; for roaming around.
Elephants, for example, have to travel about at least 30 miles each day. Their cages are not big enough to let the elephant walk 30 miles.
Animals don’t come cheap, but exotic animals are more expensive. Exotic cats can be as much as $900.00 to a $7500.00. The rarer the animal the more it costs. When you are buying a pet don’t forget that it can cost a lot, its food and environment can cost a lot too.
Animals can be very deadly especially if a 420 pound lion comes on top of you. Imagine having a pet cat and it decides to be playful and swipe at you with a powerful force. You would probably get a fatal injury. I’m pretty sure nobody would appreciate that.
Has anybody noticed that lots of animals have big sharp teeth? Well imagine having a cute little Siberian tiger as a pet and you guys are just playing around and it bites you. Ouch, that would hurt. Yes, dogs nip at you sometimes, but most dogs will listen to you if you tell them no. Then later, they will be all happy and they would try to play with again. For snakes, tigers, bears, poisonous frogs, that's not how it
Will you help these animals stay in there natural habitats and make sure nobody gets hurt from these animals? Will you help save these exotic animals from their cages? Will you be on my side, to join the cause? So stop, help this animals. Be on my side....