Project Three: Objective Synthesis Paper
Overview│Assignment Guidelines │Prework│What 's due with the draft │What 's due with the essay │Assignment Resources │Syllabus
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View the instructor narrated PowerPoint explanation of Project Three While Project 2 focused on the rhetoric in one specific text, in Project 3, we will focus on comparing the ideas and issues raised by all the authors of our assigned readings. This project has been designed to stimulate your thinking in new ways, inviting you to synthesize the authors ' views in an objective look at their work. The draft should be 4 - 5 pages in length and will cover all 6 assigned readings.
Objectives …show more content…
Assume your readers already have some general knowledge of the topic. Thesis: You will arrive at your thesis ONLY AFTER you have completed your prework activities. For this assignment, your thesis will be more of a focusing statement, a sentence which answers this question: What do the authors of recent articles on _________ say about ___________________________________? (Fill in the blanks with the wording that you believe best captures the subject matter addressed by the authors; then answer the question.) The statement will set up the rest of the paper by indicating to the reader what will be addressed. It will describe the articles overall, no easy task to accomplish! A good model for the statement might look something like this: Recent articles on _________________ focus on _________, ________________, ____________, and ________________. Synthesis and organization: The body of the paper will describe and further develop