“Don't worry, everybody does it.” “Don't you want to win?” “If it was dangerous, no one would do it.” “Don’t worry, it’s safe, everybody does it.” Unfortunately, athletes are pressured all of the time in new ways that they can become bigger, faster, or stronger. To many athletes, drugs are the solution to their problems. But most do not know the real consequences of taking performance-enhancing drugs. The consequences include, getting disqualified, changing their physical appearance, and their overall health will be damaged, and in the worst case athletes can die. Performance enhancing drugs are not beneficial to athletes because they are causing people to violate sporting ethics by changing how …show more content…
Professional sports author, Gladwell says, “Athletes are already testing the fringes of bodily limitations. Our blood, our hormones, our entire physical system exists within certain parameters because those are limits that allow everything to work properly” (Cowart n.pag.). In this case, our bodies can only handle so much, so when we have limits to keep us alive, and when those limits are pushed too far, people die. Furthermore, Just because the drug is legal does not mean to ingest as much as possible. Drugs have a medical purpose and are dangerous under the wrong circumstances (Rosenberg n.pag.). The fact is, when medical drugs are able to be accessed, athletes think that it is not bad if they are not illegal, but it is the same as taking an illegal drug to improve your performance. In addition to athletes taking legal drugs to enhance their performance, “An athlete cannot use a drug to become an improved version of his natural self, even if the drug is used in doses that are not harmful” (Cowart n.pag.). Using drugs to become a better version of yourself is unethical and should not be allowed in sports. When Athletes have already pushed themselves to the limits of human performance, they are getting help from a variety of drugs (Cowart n.pag.). Athletes should not be able to go to or rely on drugs for a boost in human