The following paper will address the research process of teen pregnancy. During the years of the adolescent years it is all about knowing yourself, getting used to the changes of your body, and most of all engaging in some sort of sexual activity or activities. Adolescent sexual activity and its consequences continue to be important policy concerns in the United States. Nationwide, nearly half of all high school students report having or had sex and one-fifth of the report having or had four or more partners by the time they graduate (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). The Evaluation of Adolescent Pregnancy and Prevention Approaches is a response to persistent concerns about the consequences of teen sexual activity. The Pregnancy Prevention Approaches evaluation is being undertaken to expand available evidence on effective ways to prevent and reduce pregnancy and related sexual risk behaviors among teens in the United States.…
Across the United States, federal and state policy-makers are trying to control what they see as an epidemic in adolescent pregnancy. But is there really an epidemic? And, more importantly, when did the American society start to perceive teenage pregnancy as such? Teenage pregnancy is a major concern in today’s society; there are many ways to prevent teen pregnancy, many people to get advice from, and many decisions that a teen parent must make.…
The problem addressed within the article is teenage pregnancy. Recent statistics has shown a decline in birth rates of teenagers of all ages. The decline is due to the effects of program interventions in a school-based teen pregnancy program which changes teen’s attitudes towards sexuality. The decline has been pronounced for all racial and ethnic groups with Black teenagers with the most dramatic decline. Also, the decline in teen birth rates justifies the continued local and national efforts to reduce risky sexual behaviors of teenagers. The current rate in the United States remains higher than that for any other industrialized country. The authors concluded that the reason for the higher rates of teenage pregnancy in the U.S. is due to the infrequent use of contraceptive methods. The importance to educate those on ways to prevent teenage pregnancy has become vital to the decline (Thomas & Dimitrov, 2007).…
The numbers of teen pregnancy are rapidly increasing due to mainly unsafe sexual behavior. Without the use of the protection, not only one STD’s a threat, but pregnancy hit hand. Teenagers these days take for granted the materials available to avoid getting into these predicaments. They do not realize at the moment the situations and consequences they would have while they are just living in the moment. How can society prevent the growing rate of teen pregnancy and help those who do become pregnant?…
Researchers take pride in organization and hard work in making sure information is accurate. Over the past years there have become an alarming number of teenage pregnancies occurring. The authors of this article has seen some changes while conducting their study of ways to help decrease the number of teens pregnant in the United States. During the survey and study performed by the author on middle school students who were educated on prevention methods and placed within an abstinence program were less likely to engage in sexual activities. The authors suggest that the United States as a developed country has the largest number of teenage pregnancies but there has been a decline within some races due to the preventive measures put in place. Black teenagers aged 15-17 demonstrated the most dramatic decline. Hispanic teen pregnancy and birth rates has been slower than any other ethnic groups. The overall trend of teens reporting ever having sexual intercourse parallels with the declining teen birth rates. The following article will explore the results and opinions concluded in the research study, statistical data, and other important information collected during the study,…
“My life is over” Sally said with tears falling down her eyes. “I knew I should have went with my first thought” she said while shaking her leg rapidly. One of the worst things a parent of a teenage girl could hear is “I’m pregnant.” Birth control is one of the best things that is made. Giving access to birth control for teenage girls without parental permission will lower teen pregnancy rates, allow young girls have a great future, and can also have decreased stress levels.…
Due to lack of education, poverty levels, and lack of parental guidance teen pregnancy has been on the rise in the United States. According to a 2012 report there were a total of 305,388 babies born to women aged 15-19 years old. At least one study estimates that 90% of these pregnancies are unintended. If we can find ways to help the teen prevent pregnancy it will save the United States approximately $9 billion per year, in health care.…
First come love, then comes marriage, then comes momma with the baby carriage is the way most conservatives wants society to adhere by. But in today’s world, most baby carriages are coming before marriage. Teenagers will often reach the point in their relationship in which they will begin to think about intercourse with their partner. This strong bond between girlfriend and boyfriend causes most teenagers to lose their sense. In a blink of the eye, relationships can escalate into a bond much more than anyone could anticipate. Teenage pregnancy had increased drastically over the years. Therefore the best defense against such danger is to prevent teenage girls for getting pregnant. Other than abstinence itself, birth control has become the best method to prevent teen pregnancy. Many feel that minors should not have such access to contraception which brings ethical challenges into play.…
Teen pregnancy has become all too common in this day and age. Some teens think it will not happen to them and do not use necessary precautions to protect against it. There are several causes for teen pregnancy and the effects can be life changing. With new movies like “Juno” or TV shows like “Teen Mom” on MTV, teenage girls think that having a baby is easy, that everybody will help them, and that their life will be the same. TV and society are ok with teen pregnancy letting the teenagers do what they want thinking is right. But what if making the right or wrong decisions bring them bad consequences in the future?…
Becoming a teen parent is always a scary thing to go through, but over the years, the United States has been trying new and different ways to lower the occurrence of unplanned pregnancies among teens. There has always been a high rate of teen pregnancies in the United States, and according to The Los Angeles Times, “Teen pregnancy rates in the United States have fallen in recent years, but the country still has a higher rate than any other developed country” (Roan). Even though the rates of teen pregnancy in the United States have fallen, they are still the highest in the world. Throughout the years, the United States has been experimenting and brainstorming new ideas to prevent teens from falling into peer pressure of having sex. They added child development classes to the high schools to teach teens what happens when they decide to get pregnant or accidentally get pregnant. Becoming a teen mom has many effects on teens that are forced to grow up faster, change their priorities, and push back their future plans.…
The following research paper contains important information on how you can prevent your teen from becoming pregnant. The thesis is clearly stated in my argument. Topic sentences and sub-topics support my theory. Teen Pregnancy and prenatal care are very important issues but can be avoided all together with patience, guidance and instruction from responsible parents. Parents have to discuss issues such as safe sex, prevention of pregnancy along with topics such as birth control and being abstinence until marriage. This paper will also cover issues dealing with peer pressure.…
Birth control is a controversial subject as to whether it should be distributed to teens in schools without parental consent. Nearly 750,000 American teenagers become pregnant each year but the majority of these pregnancies- 82 percent- are unintended (“Pregnant Teen Help”). Although distribution of birth control goes against some beliefs, it is the best decision in order to further provide a higher quality of life for teens and their future.…
There is more than one side to this argument. Some people may say that teens should not be on birth control because it just gives them an excuse to go out and have sex with whomever they please whenever they please. The different types of birth control have good things about them, but there are bad things about them as well. Some different kinds of birth control include, “the pill,” “the shot,” male and female condoms, diaphragms, and IUDs (intra-uterine device). The only one of these options that protects against STDs is the condom (pros and cons). People could say that birth control is expensive and is too much of a hassle, or too expensive, but there are free clinics close to just about every community. These free clinics, like their name, will give a teenager, or whoever needs them, free condoms, or free birth control. There just does not seem to be an answer to support the opposing side.…
We need to stop watching these pathetic shows and take a stand. All these shows do is encourage, exploit, and glamorize teen pregnancies. If we stopped watching them then their rating would drop and they would go off the air. Then none of these problems would…
National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy: Briefly--Teen Pregnancy Rates in the United States, 1988-2006…