The numbers do not necessarily reflect the importance of this issue to society and the ramifications of the same. Women in prison have several unique factors that have to be understood in a separate light rather than to lump them as issues of reforms …show more content…
When it does happen it is usually a unique set of circumstances that lead to the crime. In most cases it has been studied that there is a history of abuse and mistreatment that led to the circumstances leading to crime. In many cases it is a combination of sexual abuse from an early age, poor family support, mental torture that leads a woman into path of drug abuse, shoplifting, prostitution etc. It is with this as the background that women in prison need to be looked at. Many times the tenure in prison only exacerbates the situation. With known reports of further abuse in prisons by authorities and fellow inmates, women are often in much worse …show more content…
These articles while broadly outline fundamental rights of prisoners are not specific in nature. Moreover most countries including Australia are signatories to this, but these are not then enshrined in the law. These are and remain broad wishful guidelines. Article 10(3) in particular has great significance for women in prison considering the pivotal role they play in society as