family vacations, childcareetc. must be planned. The good thing about year round schooling is that “students tendto forget a lot during the summer break, so a shorter time away from school mightincrease the retention of knowledge rates.” (Research Spotlight on Year-RoundEducation) But studies have shown with year round schooling there was also “noevidence of higher test scores. So many schools that changed to year round schoolingended up switching back due to those results.” (The Pros and Cons of Year-RoundSchools)Furthermore, year round schooling has a positive impact on family finance. Theadvantages of year round schooling in terms of family finance is that finding appropriatechildcare for your children wouldn’t really be a problem because your children wouldalways be in school. So basically your child will always have a place to be when you aretoo busy working or getting things done. With year round schooling children areconstant occupants of schools. “It's a more efficient use of school space otherwise theschool buildings are unoccupied during the summer.”(Research Spotlight on Year-
Sanderson 3Round Education) Cost increases when you switch to year round schooling.
“Utility billsgrow some schools aren’t able to handle the increase in most expenses, while otherscould handle the expenses.”(The Pros and Cons of Year-Round Schools) “Duringbreaks or when the building is empty it is set to conserve as much power as possible.That means turning of all unused appliances, a year round school would require anincreased use in lights, computers, kitchen appliances and A/C. As for teachers, theyare not paid year round, the have 2 options for a salary, either A: in the 9 months schoolis in session they get paid a surplus each month to cover the break periods such assummer. V: they receive a spread out salary to cover all 12 months. A year roundschool would increase the amount of money we would have to pay as taxpayers tomaintain our schools and pay our educators.” (Dakota Cusumano)In Addition, year round schooling also “helps reduces teen crime,”(MatthewLynch) It keeps children in school and in their books instead of on the streets. Thishelps save money for the community because this can mean less children outdestroying people's properties or getting in trouble. “Without the educational toolsnecessary to pursue a career many of these children find themselves mixed up in drugsand crime. This further perpetuates many of the issues that prevail in the inner citiesand creates a cycle of danger, violence and poverty.” ( Jessica Washington)Also, year round schooling has an …show more content…
positive effect on time. Year round schoolingcan bring remediation during the actual school year. Year round schooling makesschool time important to improve and discover our children's skills and knowledge. Dueto this there are equal distribution of breaks. “The most important facet of year-round
Sanderson 4education is how it is implemented.
Schools may operate on a single-track schedulewhere all students are on the same calendar and get the same holidays off, or a multi-track schedule, which has groups of students attending school at different times withdifferent vacations. Multi-tracking is popular because it allows schools to enroll morestudents than buildings would normally hold.” (Research Spotlight on Year-RoundEducation) Extracurricular activities can also be year round. This way if your childrenare involved in any sports, clubs , or after school activities they will engage their timeinto more positive things, rather than going doing dumb things. “Extracurricular activitiesnot only enhance a student's school experience, but they can also help students boosttheir confidence, improve self-esteem and form important friendships.” (Maria Magher)School is where most children really figure themselves out, they learn about themselvesand figure out the world they live in. Wouldn’t you rather have your child in school yearround spending their time wisely and effectively, or rather than having themunsupervised and perhaps opening up opportunities for trouble. All in all, “a hundred years ago; most Americans still worked some form ofagricultural jobs. Aside from high infant mortality rates, most people had a lot of childrenbecause they required help on their farms. Children would wake up before the sun, helpwith the crops, and go to school. Summer breaks were not
designed for family fun andvacations; they were designed to allow children to help their parents with crops during acritical time in the agricultural season.” (Top 10 Reasons Why Year Round School Is AGood Idea) Year round schooling has an positive effect on education due to the fact thatit give kids more time to gain knowledge over the longer period of time. The impact ofyear round schooling has on finance is better knowing that you don’t have to worry
Sanderson 5about paying for appropriate childcare for your children because your children wouldmost likely always in school. Year round schooling has an positive effect on time due tothe fact there are equal distribution of breaks being considerate of the parent andchild’s time and education. Would you recommend your child to go to year roundschooling or traditional schooling ?