Experimental surgery, is a taboo subject. Many oppose it, many do not. Doctors perform surgery on someone in an effort to make them feel better or learn a little more about their condition. When scientists and doctors try new things they usually try them on animals, studying the results, heightening their techniques, and exploring new ways to heal people. But sometimes doctors are put on the spot, so they have to take action or someone will be seriously hurt. Experimental surgery should be allowed, it has helped the human race come a long way in the fight against different diseases and illnesses.
Experimental surgery is worth the risk. The only reason why we are as advanced as we are now, is because doctors experimented on somebody. With the willingness of others it helps doctors become more advanced and helps to find new cures and medicines. An autopsy is usually done to a person's body after they have died, and others simply donate their body. The only way to get smarter is to learn hands on. …show more content…
Experimental surgery destroys people's lives.
Many people go to the doctor to ask for a simple remedy to get rid of pain, not to have an experimental surgery conducted on them. Doctors go to medical school and put in long hours of practice and training to help their patient with traditional methods that have been proven to work. The doctor may have good intentions, but actually cause far more damage than what was started with.
Many people that have rare illnesses that do not have a detailed studies on their health issue, usually rely on experimental surgery to help them feel better or acquire more knowledge of their condition. If someone has an illness that has a two out of one billion chance it’s mostly likely their case does not have a proper treatment and specific medicine. So that's when the experimental surgery comes in, and fills in the gaps traditional methods
Doctors are highly trained, but with one wrong move you can damage someone's life. When experimenting with a part as fragile with the brain, one thing up can completely change that person's personality, the way they think, and act. The brain controls our body and if one thing is missing or out of place it could bring massive amounts of pain so not only does the patient go through mental, but also physical pain. The article ”Doctors refuse to help patient experimental brain surgery went wrong” from dailymail.co.uk, 20 year old Carissa Galvez went under the knife after she had discovered she had a genetic mutation that cause her to have massive headaches. So her doctor put a tube in her head to try to get the drain the fluid, and placed it wrong. Her doctor then retired, and no doctor knows how to remove the tube.
Everyone is different and because of that we do not all hurt the same. If someone severely hurts themselves and has a problem that cannot be fixed with a band-aid or a cast, the doctor is not supposed to just sit back and watch them struggle. Something must be done. In the article “Killing a Patient to Save His Life” on nytimes.com, doctors experiment on patients by draining their blood and replacing with with freezing saltwater then performs the operation. This method has saved many lives all thanks to the fast acting doctors.
Doctors feel a deep sense of care for their patients, and will try to help them get better as fast as they can. When the patient has an issue that cannot be fixed through normal treatments doctors will often try and take the problem into their own hands, and end up really hurting that person leaving them with deformities that will remain there all their lives, and make it hard for them. Nobody wants anyone to suffer, but maybe it is best to stay with treatments that have been proven to work.
In conclusion, experimental surgery is an uncommon practice some doctors use in dire situations when the time calls for it, to help benefit their patient. Doctors should use experimental surgery. Without the braveness of the doctors and the medical patents, we would not be as advanced as we are now.